ゴブレットビュート第24区30番地 [Large]
?Danzo Kurotsuki Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello Shino, I had received an invite before but I wasn't ready to join yet. I would like to join your FC now, I play with my boyfriend and if you would have us both we will appreciate it. My bf's character name is Hagane Masayoshi.
Ryhllor Kozuko Diabolos [Crystal]
returning player looking for a FC
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
Feel free to send an application! Or reach out to myself or Shino Kage when you're online and we'll get you invited!
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id like to join if theres room!
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome aboard!
Achy Warfury Diabolos [Crystal]
Hey, I'd like a FC invite if you have room, have a few friends to join as well!
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
Sorry for the delay. We will reach out in game. Alternately you can make contact with Shino Kage and he can help get you set up!
Rozurial Grimoire Diabolos [Crystal]
returning player looking for fc if there is still room anywho
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
We’ll send you an invite!
Kale Delachuga Diabolos [Crystal]
Please take me back
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
We will send an invite, if you're online before that submit an application and we will happily take you back.
Papa Log Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, looking to join an FC to meet and play with some folks. Top tier healer on WoW over here tryna be a white mage for yall. hmu <3
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
We will send you an invite when we're mutually online! You can always send an application and we will approve it as soon as possible!
Papa Log Diabolos [Crystal]
Unsure how to do that but i am online now
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
Just missed you! We'll try it again later tonight.
Papa Log Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm currently online if anyone can pick me up =)
Miss Americana Diabolos [Crystal]
We seem to be missing eachother. When is a good time for us to reach out? Alternately you can use player search to find myself or Shino Kage when we're online and submit an application through the view company feature. Alternately any member with the Omni tag can invite you as well. I apologize, I work very long hours on the weekends.
Papa Log Diabolos [Crystal]
im on at random times i got a wife and kids lol im on right now again for the next 2 hours or so. I am eastern time. I will keep checking the search thing for you guys and looking around.
Papa Log Diabolos [Crystal]
I figured it out lmao found someone in the FC to invite me thanks =) look forward to playing with you guys. =)
Phen Goro Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi! I'm a returning player. Haven't played in years. The game has changed a lot. Looking for a new home if you guys would have me =)
コミュニティメンバー Rayna Rose Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi! My wife Ophliea and I are looking for an active FC and would like to join :)
コミュニティメンバー Ophliea Rose Diabolos [Crystal]
Good evening, I'm Rayna's wife, I thought I would introduce my self! We hope to join your fc :D. (BTW your house is beautiful!)