ラベンダーベッド第17区28番地 [Large]
Souls' Repose
Shion Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi there! I'm Shion, the FC leader. Don't take me too seriously. I'm just one of a bunch of people that couldn't find an FC that really felt like I belonged in. After several attempts and a lot of stories, we decided to form our own and make it what we thought an FC should be. I do my best to be there for everyone when they need me, but otherwise stay out of the way. I'd love to meet you.
?コミュニティメンバー Wyra Riyuh Diabolos [Crystal]
Shion held me at gunpoint to write this so here goes:
Hiya! I’m Wyra! I’m one of the officers in Woven Souls. While we may be a new FC, I have been with this particular group of people for quite some time and I could not have asked for better FC mates and friends. You’ll find me running weekly events such as normal raids and treasure map nights, AFKing in a particular corner of the FC yard (once we get a new house), and being a general nuisance to Shion.
Hope to see you in game!
コミュニティメンバー Shion Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
I don't play Machinist, and you know that.
Well, not all lies. You are a nuisance. <3
コミュニティメンバー Momiji Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello everyone! I'm Momiji, but everyone just calls me Jiji for short. I am Shion's other half both irl and in-game, and have watched this amazing community grow for well over a year now. Most of us here met in another FC, and even though our paths temporarily diverged, we found each other once again. Whether it's praying that RN-Jesus blesses us with portals during maps or watching Die Hard together on Christmas Eve, we welcome anyone who is interested to come check us out. <3
コミュニティメンバー Shion Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever made.
コミュニティメンバー Momiji Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
So Die Hard 2 for Christmas of 2023?
コミュニティメンバー Jolly Green-giant Diabolos [Crystal]
Hiya everyone! Name's Jolly! I'm the FC's "fishing enthusiast," mahjong hobbyist, and one of the Savage raiding "coaches" helping out those that are interested in getting into high-tier content. I've been friends with Shion and Jiji for the better part of 2 decades and have happily stuck with them over the course of game swaps, guild/FC collapses, and literal moves across the country. I may be relatively new, but I consider everyone in the FC to be a friend or one in the making. ^_^
コミュニティメンバー Cerise Cygnus Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi I'm CC! We're looking to make new friends! We at Woven Souls sought to created the best FC with tons of FC content. Its the whole kit and caboodle. This FC has lots of activities & it comes with people! Fine people you can make friends with, laugh with, take tank busters, heal you, craft with you, go fishing, RP, and even cry with you in MSQ. Hmph! How very glib! And do you believe in Woven Souls?
Come join us. I'm serious!
P.S. please bring an egg for our leader. He loves them.
コミュニティメンバー Binh'li Mistofelis Diabolos [Crystal]
Seconding the eggs. Dude just can't get enough of them.
コミュニティメンバー Shion Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
Bonus points if you bring sand and call me Anakin when I refuse.
I'm being very sarcastic, CHERIE.
コミュニティメンバー Fran West Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello everyone, name’s Fran! I'm one of the officers in Woven Souls. I enjoy spending time in Eureka as well as exploring the Deep Dungeons. I'm not very talkative for the most part, but I'm always happy to help with various content. I have been acquainted with most of the people in our FC for quite a while, and I can say that they are wonderful and interesting individuals. I'm delighted to be a part of this and witness how our circle of friends continues to grow.Would be happy to meet you all!
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I love what you folks have got going on here and would love to join if you're accepting new/returning players!
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
New and returning players are absolutely welcome ❤️
Munie Goldblood Diabolos [Crystal]
Does the FC accept New Players?
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
Yes we do! \o/
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi hi, I'm Cherie and one of the officers for our FC! I've been with many of the people here for a while and couldn't ask for a lovelier bunch. I run fishing trips on Tuesdays and Fridays for the Ruby and Indigo routes, as well as frequent the battlefield in PVP.
Our FC is full of people who love to help with any and all content, whether it's your first time, you're farming, or practicing a new job. We're open to all members including new and returning players, please check us out! \o/
コミュニティメンバー Decadus Kaiser Diabolos [Crystal]
Heya! Are you guys recruiting? Im looking for a active fc and just to start fresh again
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi hi! We're always accepting new members, feel free to swing by the FC anytime! :)
コミュニティメンバー Crimson Savage Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello everyone, my name is Crimson Savage. I was browsing the community finder and came across your FC. I am no longer in an FC it was not a good a fit for me or my partner. I am looking to make more friends on Diablos as well. I noticed your discord info in the ad as well. And instead of just joining it I would ask permission first so I'm not surprising anyone with me just jumping into the channel.
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome Crimson! It's been a delight talking with you and your partner ❤️ we're glad to have you!
Rollind Montorgueil Diabolos [Crystal]
Application has been submitted via FC house placard. :)
Introduction has been posted on Discord. :)
Please let me know if I pass muster. I can throw in an interpretive dance for extra credit! :D
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome Rollind! You're welcome to come check us out both on discord and in game to figure out if we're right for you ❤️ always excited to meet new friends! \o/
Azeyma Lorenzen Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi! I joined the discord but i'm not sure how to apply? I havn't played in quite some time and am unfamiliar with some changes! Any help would be appreciated!
コミュニティメンバー Cherie Sherbert Diabolos [Crystal]
Welcome Azeyma! You can apply in game at our FC house's placard in Lav Beds Ward 17 Plot 28! :)
Capina Dingus Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello, started playing in Endwalker looking for some people to play with and start raiding. I have been playing WoW and raiding there for years and looking to see how it is on the FF14 side. Really excited for Dawntrail.
コミュニティメンバー Shion Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
If we sound like your kind of people, we'd love to have you!
Caes Blvck Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi been playing off and on since the reboot. Typically play solo since consoles arent chat friendly but hoping to get more social with the new expansion. Lemme know if its cool to apply!
コミュニティメンバー Shion Tsuji Diabolos [Crystal]
I'm awful at responding to these. Of course you're welcome!
コミュニティメンバー Vyr Valant Diabolos [Crystal]
Hi! This is my alt character, but hoping to get it leveled up to be my Main #2 (my #1 is on Midgardsormr), but I have a lot of content I need to get through, and buying my way through is no fun. There's a lot I still don't know even though I've been playing this game for about eight years because I've been off an on (and there's also A LOT of content). I'm hoping to find a good FC that's not just a group of solo players like most are now that can help me. I'll apply on the FC house placard :)