ThursdayA really good but very rough night at work last night. It was me and a guy that I'll go ahead and call "Big Red". Not that bright, but he does okay. The sub-boss that probably would've worked with us is on vacation this week, it seems. Anyway, we got most of the freight load done, with the night manager jumping in and helping us finish up. But, my lower back was pretty well tore up from all of this. *sigh*
But, I did my usual
Gems of War session when I got home, doing most of the dailies. The
Tower of Doom was a bitch to complete, since my team kept getting killed off. Eventually I had to equip my
Wand of Stars - a big no-no in this event, since it essentially cuts your scoring in half - just to be able to survive these battles (Oh, and I also used one of my guildmate's teams too; It works, until it doesn't *sigh*). Eventually I got it done though, after which I did some
Gnome Vault battles to round out the session for the day. Really needed to lay down.
FridayLast night was a bad one. The freight shipment was 90 minutes late, as well as it being a bigger than normal one. And they gave me Big Red and an African who spoke very little English. So, you could imagine how much this night sucked. The African was especially problematic, as me and Red have to pick up his slack since he isn't very self-sufficient - a major pet peeve of mine - resulting in a lot of extra wear and tear on my lower back, which was hurtin' pretty bad by the time I got outta there (and with a chance that I might have to call in tonight if my back is still hurting).
But I still did a Gems session when I got home. I only did some of the dailies this time. And as it's
Vault Weekend I did a few Gnome farming runs, but called it off after a bit since I really need to lay down.
So, that's gonna about do' 'er.
<Take care>, everyone. And have yourselves a good weekend.
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