

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]




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Day 59: Thaumaturge 201: Fire and Water DO mix.


Thanks to the worm story, this got delayed, but I finally got around to finishing it. I'll get to work on the final one soon.

Sisters Dearest:

To stave off Alea's pleading cries, which I am sure I can hear from all the way over here, I now continue my journey into the deadly and destructive profession that is thaumaturgy. (gee that is a hard word to spell)

As I am sure you two remember I had come flushed with success,(and poorer!), from my first task and was now ready to take on whatever was next in store. After a night of Intense studying....er bar hopping, (which involved NO burning down of places THANK YOU), I was sent off into the sandy lands surrounding the city. (with not a beach in sight, sigh) The job this time was to feed a vulture and then kill it, just so I can get meat to feed one of the others. (which was kind of a mean thing to do, but who am I to question the orders of crazed Lalaians who are mad with power.)

(And no Alea, I'm not crazy myself, despite what all those poor jilted suitors might have said. )

So, having gone now from pest exterminator to delivery girl, I completed my task and journeyed back to the guild house for my reward. There I kind of stumbled into some kind of conversation between the brothers. It seems that one of them, the youngest, was complaining about the rest of them doting on me and ignoring him.

(I mean really, are you two surprised, I am ALWAYS being doted on, it's just who I am. (No rolling eyes ALEA!))

Ignoring the little whiner, who was not as cool as me, I was once more assigned another task and huge tome by yet another brother. This one sent me out once more to, YES you guessed it, pest control. (Don't say it Alea!)

By now, my Elemental repertoire consisted of 3 spells, Fire, ice, and electricity. I was supposed to balance the three or something like that so I wouldn't be drained from over doing it. Let me tell you, it was hard doing this in training when one has had a little too much of the local refreshments. (Well how else was I supposed to learn? Study? Yah RIGHT!)

So in the wild I found myself over burning, over freezing, and over frying everything and then some. I did overhear some people saying 'what a menace', and 'Isn't she the one that was near the entrance?' but I ignored them, they were obviously jealous of my Great Power.

Soon the corpses of the creatures I had been sent to control lay unidentifiable on the frozen, burning ground, and believe me I got out of there before those annoying guards could site me once again for littering.
But is seems no sooner that i told them of my success, that they sent me right back out there to check up on some shipment that had gone missing.

I was like, really? You could not have gotten word to me when I was out there? You guys are as bad as Minfilia! At that point the whole room went silent and the little guys cast fearful glances around looking for who knew what. They said in hushed tones, "don't say anything about HER, she has spies everywhere, just waiting to drag away people who speak ill of the Great Minfilia." (Why Sisters am I NOT surprised at this.)

Leaving them to their terror, I ONCE more went out into those wonderful desert lands. (at least it's a dry heat), to look for this missing shipment of theirs. Fortunately it was easily found; the ones that took it, those weird lizard looking creatures, were terribly messy and it took no effort to track this thing. I found the wagon, and also found the mage's little brother, who was trying to prove himself to the others by getting the crate himself. I told him, 'look, if you were going to do this why didn't you tell me, I'm sure it's safe', and of course at that moment, the creatures attacked.

(Ok, tell me this Sisters, WHY in the world would these things, who have ALREADY raided the wagon sit out here waiting for someone who might or might not come? Talk about DUMB!)

Beating them up and fighting on who took back the vials, (I won of course). I soon returned to the guild and loudly complained to the others about their annoying sibling cramping my style. They promised to do something about him but then told me there was a major crisis. Seems that the merchants those vials belonged to were really pissed at the brothers for not paying for them and I needed to go and plead and grovel for forgiveness.

(I KNOW Alea just now said 'Finally, something she is good at.' Can't WAIT to see who Mother has picked out for you ALEA!)

Well, using my considerable skill at crying and pleading, it took no time to convince those merchants that they were totally in the wrong and even got free stuff to boot! (God I'm good, take THAT Alea!) The Brothers were very satisfied and put me on task for my next lesson, complete with huge book, (I am REALLY running out of room to put these things.), AND another expensive wine bill. (The tavern owners here are really loving me.)

Ok, this time I found myself going off to track down some thieves that have stolen this dangerous urn, which I then had to destroy. And get this Sisters, instead of disciplining their little brother, the others sent him ALONG with me for help with the urn. GREAT, so now I have a sidekick, and believe me, it was loads of fun hearing him bitch and gripe about everything he could think of.

(Alea: It was a mini version of her!)
(Adora: (laughing) Alea, you're terrible.)

Ok, to deal with these thieves, I was given a new awesome spell, sleep. (Ok, maybe not so awesome. but it DOES come in handy on those sleepless nights.) Finding the bums, I was supposed to use this spell to control the numbers of them that attacked me, but you know what? I just used all the fun, destructive ones instead and lay waste to the land and salted the earth for good measure. (No one will say I'm not thorough.)

Picking through the carnage, I found the urn and was about to destroy it when that annoying Cocobusi took it from me and said HE will destroy it and tell the others it was ALL him that did it. I was about to fry his little butt plus the urn and tell the others it was an accident when something strange happened. The little fool decided to OPEN the bottle instead, then broke the urn. He started acting a bit strange after that, (I mean more than normal), being all arrogant and flippant. (Kind of like me, but not all sweet and cute about it,)

Well we went back to the guild, with another successful quest under my belt, and of course I took credit for it. The brothers were worried about how Cocobusi was acting though and wondered if something happened when that urn was opened. Well it matters not to me; all I care about is getting more power under my belt, which it seems will happen tomorrow with my next lesson.

Ok, Sisters, I will bid you good night, I need to prepare for my next clandestine teaching. I hope it's something REALLY powerful this time. (And I don't blow up half the city with it.)

Your power hungry Sister;


Mahdi Draaken

Faerie [Aether]

i think the profession would be thaumaturgy? lol

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Probably, but this IS Annabel telling it. I changed it anyway. LOL

Mahdi Draaken

Faerie [Aether]

i didnt mean to make you change it...i personally just thought it would be called thaumaturgy is all.
great read either way




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