

Beata of the Firmament

Altayre Flux

Cactuar [Aether]




  • 4

The Dark Side of Duty Finder

I had an enjoyable day today wrapping up both Tam Tara and Copperbell Mines. the only hiccup I encountered was a tank by the name of Gforce Ifrit. He was a great tank, kept hate really well, didn't do anything out of line. Until he bagged two items from a coffer chest and then dropped party. You, sir, are slime.

We went on to win, without you, and I even bagged a Foestriker's Tabard. But you, Gforce Ifrit, are still slime. Why did you even bother going? For the items? That's a real dick move, and I think you know it. Kids be kids, after all.

Triela Rial

Sargatanas [Aether]

I feel for you... I hate when people do stuff like that. I did my fist dungeon last night using duty finder and luckily ended up with a great group. I hope your future experiences are much more pleasing and the loot plenty!

Solace Dono

Diabolos [Crystal]

As a tank myself i would never do that, those types are greedy and scrubs. I finish out my dungeons and do my best to do my job as a tank. They make us look bad.

Casca Midlander

Lamia [Primal]

Yeah, once you start something, you finish it, simple as that. With the exception of lagging the hell out and being forced against your will to quit because your PS3 froze >.<

Altayre Flux

Cactuar [Aether]

Thanks for the comments, all. I agree, you follow through on what you start. No question. Loot whores like that get my goat every time.

I was looking for a way to contact him directly, but I don't see any public wall feature or anything to warn other players about him. I guess all I can do is resort to word of mouth. =D

Good luck to you all!




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