

Sarah Logangar

of Unbreakable Steel

Brynhildr [Crystal]




  • 3

The poetics lust

I have been getting more involved with duties lately and now have a good amount of friends to call on.
I have also been doing the Anima quests for my warrior weapon and have now realized how useful poetics are for getting the items you need to upgrade your weapon.

Since I put off a lot of group duties that means that I have a lot of duties I never did before so Im getting the poetics bonuses you get for doing a duty for the first time.

Its great that I put these off because now me and my friends are getting these bonuses as we complete this duties.

Last night we did three EX level 60 duties unsynced and I had a great time!

I guess this just a reminder to those who read this to check what duties you have not done and consider getting those poetics bonuses if you are trying to get things for your Anima weapon.

Gatina Moonlite

Diabolos [Crystal]

Only one person logs on to the fc anymore Ó.Ò I really get sad running things by myself, especially all the super rude people when I'm healing : ∑ You are fortunate to have friends to run things with, I'm sure that would make it so much more fun.

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

Wait, Sarah, 'I want to do everything solo', doing stuff with OTHER people, on PURPOSE? What IS this madness? :O

LOL, just kidding dear, I am glad you are seeing how getting to know other people is a GOOD thing! ;-)

Sarah Logangar

Brynhildr [Crystal]

Oh you remember those posts eh Annabell?

Hehe well yea things have changed.

You two can add me if you want and get in on this I could use your help!




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