

Elza Edelweiss

the New Sun

Kujata [Elemental]




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Demographics of Eorzea by Job


Hello fellow Eorzeans!

I have returned with more data for your perusal. This time, I have assembled charts and a spreadsheet showing the distribution of characters by job for each data centre and server. To accurately reflect the number of jobs being actively used in end-game content, I have decided to include only characters whose average item level ("iLevel") is at least 470.

Once again, data has been taken from Lucky Bancho's census on 4 August 2020, a link to which is provided at the end of this blog entry.

(Note that JP: Japan, NA: North America, and EU: Europe)

・Among tanks, Paladin and Dark Knight seem to be the most actively used: Roughly three in five tanks are one or the other. These two jobs are especially popular in JP. In contrast, Warrior is by far the least actively used: Fewer than one in five tanks is too angry to die. Warriors are especially uncommon in JP. Gunbreaker falls just behind Paladin and Dark Knight, with Squall cosplayers being slightly more common in NA and EU than in JP.
・Among healers, White Mage is by far the most actively used: Over one in two healers have likely experienced the pain of using Benediction just before their tank uses Superbolide. On the other hand, only around one in four healers is a Scholar, and fewer still are Astrologians. Regional differences are pretty minor, with Astrologians being only slightly less common in JP than in NA and EU.
・Among DPS, Samurai is the most actively used worldwide: Nearly one in seven DPS in any given Data Centre reserves the right to cut down a commoner who would compromise their honour. Red Mage is not far behind, with nearly one in eight DPS on resurrection duty. In contrast, Monk is by far the least actively used worldwide: Only around one in twenty DPS bothers to fuss over positional skills. Concerning regional differences, Dancer is far more common in NA and EU, where nearly one in seven DPS is padding the damage of their partner, whereas Machinist and Dragoon are more common in JP, and Bard is slightly more common in EU.

All data is taken from the 4 August 2020 Lodestone Census (Lodestone国勢調査) by Lucky Bancho. More information can be found on Lucky Bancho's blog at https://luckybancho.ldblog.jp/archives/54889479.html




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