Looking back on memories made in this game is interesting, like a screenshot in time, a passing word makes you recall something you sworn to forget, falling out of friendships and making new ones, reconnecting with returning avatars of people who you will never meet the true faces of, you may not even hear their voices.
You can bare your soul or maintain your mystery, that's the perogative of everyone involved. Everyone has their own vibe, people can react well with it or rub it the wrong way and watch the sparks fly, willingly or unwillingly.
I don't wish to give anyone bad memories, I hope to say at least a neutral passing if anything but of course positive interactions are always worth the most.
Life doesn't matter, really we all are born to perish from the decay of time of course time also heals oddly so. I guess we should try to enjoy what we can, I try to do so but pain is life and joy is in there somewhere haha
That's enough ruminating, next time I'll bring out a positive I promise:-P