ラベンダーベッド第6区36番地 [Large]
?コミュニティメンバー Coffee Lemontea Garuda [Elemental]
Hi I'm ready to transfer to Garuda recently and looking for a friendly FC .But I'm still learning English.May I join......?
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! Of course you can join! I will PM you once you finished your world transfer and we're both online!
コミュニティメンバー Coffee Lemontea Garuda [Elemental]
Sorry...They suspend the home world transfer service so maybe it takes a few days QaQ
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
we will wait! Thank you for your interest <3
Miss Mio Garuda [Elemental]
Hello! I’m Interested in your fc. I am recently thinking of starting over or transferring my main.
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! Thank you for your interest! Alt or main its very welcome here as we have plenty of people who just start! You can join our discord first or I shall invite you once we're both online! <3
Roch Foyr Tonberry [Elemental]
Hello, can I join?
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Sorry for the late reply! Of course you can! You can go to our FC house and apply directly to the house placard or send /tell to me or Rigel Arc when we're online. Our online hour is between 9 pm-2 am GMT+7
Roch Foyr Tonberry [Elemental]
Zel Arcadia Garuda [Elemental]
Hi! My friend and I would like to join your FC. I am a returning player but only finished ARR and my friend is a newbie.
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! Thats okay, we have some people who just started too! You can message me or Rigel Arc via /tell to invite you and your friend to the FC if you haven't reach Stormblood. Or if you happen to find me advertising in the party finder, you can also /tell from there!
edit: you seems to have joined another fc and that's great! Hope you enjoy the game!
コミュニティメンバー Leigh Vaughn Garuda [Elemental]
Hey are you guys still active? I'm interested in joining
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! Sure we're still accepting! You can straight up /tell Vares Freyr/Rigel Arc or apply to FC placard in Shirogane Ward 25 Plot 54
コミュニティメンバー Erunesuti Mioda Garuda [Elemental]
Hi im interested in joining!
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! Yes we are still recruiting! You can straight up /tell Vares Freyr/Rigel Arc/Calhoun Godfrey or apply to FC placard in Shirogane Ward 25 Plot 54. Or if you catch me online on party finder, you can send a /tell from there and I'll invite you right away!
Our active time is between 8-12 gmt +8. we'll see you there o/
Olivert Reise Tonberry [Elemental]
Hi. Visited your FC house and applied.
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! I will approve you as soon as I'm online. Thank you for applying!
Olivert Reise Tonberry [Elemental]
Hi. Visited your FC house and applied.
コミュニティメンバー Xyraeus Emfy Garuda [Elemental]
Hello, am i able to join?
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Your application has been approved! Welcome aboard!
コミュニティメンバー Sal Earnestine Garuda [Elemental]
Hello ! i am very interested to join, i have been finding english speaker mostly in garuda server and spotted this, currently still new in most of the content as i mostly play msq, so hopefully i can try join higher end raids one day with some people!
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! Of course you can join, and we do have a group of people doing higher end content. I can invite you once you're online or you can go straight up to our FC house in Garuda Lavender Bed Ward 6 Plot 36!
Kiki Akko Tonberry [Elemental]
Hello. I am looking around for a nice small chill FC with people that like to chat. I am very shy, but I love going to venues and I am slowly learning to RP. Just doing some light RP at the moment sometimes. Very scary, but fun.
How is you FC doing at the moment? Always people around to chat with?
I live in New Zealand, but I run on SEA time so go to bed about 6am, or 2am gmt8 xD
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Hello there! We are mostly active during 7pm-1am gmt+8. We always have people online but a lot of us are taking a break of RP because we're still progressing through Dawntrail, so the RP aspect might be a little bit dead at the moment :(
also I see that you're from Tonberry so I'm afraid you wont able to join our FC in Garuda because of different world :(
Kiki Akko Tonberry [Elemental]
Oh I know. I am willing to transfer server if I can find a good FC to join. Now no RP at the moment is ok. I don't do it often anyway as it scares the hell out of me xD
Just looking for a chill home with friendly people who like talking and hanging out.
コミュニティメンバー Vares Freyr Garuda [Elemental]
Aww okay then! You're welcome anytime, just hit our placard in Garuda Lavender Bed Ward 6 Plot 36 or message me whenever I'm online in the game. I'll let the officer know when you're joining!
コミュニティメンバー Eyez Scream Garuda [Elemental]
Fanta -> FemMiqo
コミュニティメンバー Bianca Veritas Garuda [Elemental]
Hello, I am looking around for a casual, English-speaking FC. I'm fairly new so some and mostly play this game for the MSQ and normal group content (would like to check out Extremes and Savages tho, if I can find the time and people to prog with). I'm also really enjoy dressing up my character too xD.
I live in SEA region, GMT+7, so I should be online alongside with most members.