シロガネ第29区38番地 [Medium]
The Plume's Pyre
Vaykor Valance Exodus [Primal]
Friendly summoner main who is always down to clown around! I love running maps, crafting and gathering, and helping out friends. I play daily so feel free to reach out whenever!
?Poncho Delrio Exodus [Primal]
Hey just wanted to know if y'all are still active and looking for some new people!
コミュニティメンバー Vaykor Valance Exodus [Primal]
Absolutely! I’d love to chat with you in game or through discord!☺️
Poncho Delrio Exodus [Primal]
コミュニティメンバー Rael Travers Exodus [Primal]
Hey all, I was wondering if you guys are still accepting new people? I'm a returning player and I figured I'd actually try to be a bit more social when playing this time around.
コミュニティメンバー Vaykor Valance Exodus [Primal]
We absolutely are! My discord is shananduran#6325, message me there or I’ll try to find you online in game^^
Aylen Yar Exodus [Primal]
used to hang out with this group a lot, and can confirm they're a very chill, friendly and really funny group of people <3 super lgbt-friendly, and they even keep a Monk in the warehouse for research purposes c:
Sylvie Stormborn Exodus [Primal]
Hey there looking to move servers and was wondering if you all were still recruiting
コミュニティメンバー Vaykor Valance Exodus [Primal]
Hiya! We sure are! Feel free to message me on discord if you’d like(:
コミュニティメンバー Valmet Nico Exodus [Primal]
Hi are you guys still recruiting?
I sent a friend request to your discord tag, mine is muguno#6804
コミュニティメンバー Vaykor Valance Exodus [Primal]
Hiya! We are(: I’ll message you on discord!
コミュニティメンバー Soles Zalde Exodus [Primal]
Hiya! I tried you both in game but you both must have been offline so I sent a Friend request in discord!
Elsa Icywind Coeurl [Crystal]
hi was wondering if you guys could contact me in game. my character name isnt the same as this one but its on exodus and its named Commander Seren. im sorta still new but i know the basics since im in stormblood on another character. please and thank you in advanced
Lothaire Greyashe Exodus [Primal]
Hey there! Im looking for a free company to join. Are you guys still recruiting?
Jeanne-d'arc Alter Famfrit [Primal]
Hello! Are you still looking for new people? you can find me in discord at Draconaitr#2984
Midas Whale Golem [Dynamis]
Hello, im looking for a new place to meet peeps before endwalker comes out Midas Well#8647
Betty Hwite Exodus [Primal]
Hello! I hope you are still taking on new members! Wife, a few irl buddies and myself are looking for an FC. Yours seems to fit the bill! I sent you a friend request on discord. From: Hooligan Rocker#6795
Freja Dawnsong Exodus [Primal]
Hello! Me and a couple of friends are looking for a new FC after ours became pretty inactive. Yours looks like one that we can see ourselve in! :) From ladyfreja13#3870
Azriel Reinhardt Exodus [Primal]
Hi! Looking for FC to run maps, mount runs, and some daily roulettes with. Also looking for active discord. Azriel#1000
Durgen Vestholt Exodus [Primal]
Hello! Looking for a casual active FC. Are y’all recruiting at this time? Ty for your time!
コミュニティメンバー Vaykor Valance Exodus [Primal]
Hiya! Yes we are!(:
Dryden Weepingmoon Cactuar [Aether]
Hello, I'm a returning player, just moved to the server for my wife who just started playing, and looking for a place for us to call home.
Henn Essy Exodus [Primal]
Hello, I am a new player to FFXIV looking for a Free Company to join. I am am a veteran to MMORPG's where I mostly played WOW (since Vanilla) but took a hiatus for a while and when I decided to pick it back up had some people say I should give FFXIV a try and I am glad I did. I play as a Tank. I am working on the play style and rotation mechanics. I am also heavily into farming and crafting. My discord is Hennessey#5401 and my in game main is Henn Essy. Thank you.
Fluffy Pawbs Jenova [Aether]
Heya! Am a new-ish player looking for a discord group to run raids and the like with. I'm Frisk#5820 on discord. Please reach out whenever!
コミュニティメンバー Sum Dude Exodus [Primal]
Hiyah sent here by usui autumn looking to join free company just started playing very new to the game and just a gamer looking to have fun and good vibes haha.
War Ghost Exodus [Primal]
Relearning after a long break, and interested in joining PVE focused Free Company. PS5