シロガネ第8区16番地 [Large]
Crystal Mansion
?Fio Lefebvre Omega [Chaos]
I came to the community finder purely to see if the FC leader of CC had posted because he's very welcoming and helpful, and is usually really active when recruiting.
Looks like I guessed right, lol.
One of the nicest people I've been in an FC with, and probably one of the most helpful players I've come across. You can't go wrong with this FC.
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Aww thanks Fio, that's very kind of you to say! I'm glad I still see around the server and hope that all is well!
Setro Zauver Omega [Chaos]
I am a casual player who likes to take on content at my own pace and only recently begun to look at joining an FC. Although I'm not a very strong player I am always willing to learn from and give help to others. I usually play for a bit in the evenings as I work an office job unless I have time off.
If you think I'd be a suitable member of the FC or you want to know anything else, please let me know. Thanks for your time.
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Hey thanks for your message!
Yes that sounds fine, there's no rush to get to the end of the game, take your time and enjoy it!
Are you online now/this evening? I've asked some FC members to look out for you, but unfortunately due to how the game works we can only invite you when you're online (and not in a duty).
Or you can also join our Discord at https://discord.gg/4h4wPw3 and when you're online someone should be able to add you.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Ahrimance Kynne Alpha [Light]
Hello there.
I'm a fairly casual player who has just finished the MSQ and is floundering a bit for which way to go. Don't think I can commit to an end game static but don't feel like playing in anti-social quiet mode anymore.
If you are still looking for members, I try to be on a few hours most nights. I'm GMT+4 which might put me outside your regular play time.
Anyways, take care and I'll look for you in game!
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
I'm glad that you've since joined us and look forward to seeing you in-game!
P.S. with GMT+4 and my own late hours, probably see a lot of you! :)
Aurelia Vestalis Omega [Chaos]
Just wondering what will be the tag that follows my name if I decide to join?
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Hi Aurelia,
Our tag is simply <CC>. Hope that answered your question, but please let me know if you would like to know anything else or come talk to us on our Discord server etc (link above).
Edit: I've now added this to our recruitment page, sorry that it wasn't there before!
Have a great day and hope to speak to you again soon!
Kayla Thorne Sagittarius [Chaos]
Hi guys. My PC is finally fixed and I've resubbed. Got room for a little one to come back?
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Really glad to see you back again and hope that we catch up again soon!
I know that you're already our Discord server so please just shout in there when you are next online and we can add you back! (unfortunately the game only let's us invite people when they are online)
Kayla Thorne Sagittarius [Chaos]
Cheers for the reply. I only have guest access on the discord I think, so can't comment on anything except the guest channel
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
You only need to comment in the guest channel :D All the current FC members can see that channel and can invite when you're in-game :)
Kayla Thorne Sagittarius [Chaos]
I've commented twice but both times it seems to disappear after a while. I'll try again tonight when I'm actually online
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Sorry, it's a bit frustrating that the game only lets us add people who are online at the time. Alternatively you can also just go to the FC house (Shirogane, Ward 8, plot 16) and click on the placard and there's an "Apply" there so even if someone doesn't notice on Discord when you message, the placard application stays, even if you go offline.
Purple Lemonn Phantom [Chaos]
Hey Guys I'm a newish Mature FF14 player, I've played up until the end of heavensward content Solo so far and now i'm familiar with the mechanics of the game i'm looking to join a FC and you guys have stood out as a great community to join. I'm online most days 10am to 3pm - 10pm til late GMT. Thanks for considering me
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Hi Purple, really sorry that I didn't reply sooner!
I see you're actually on a different world (Phantom) so you couldn't join the FC unless you were on Omega, although since you wrote your message maybe you changed worlds away from Omega.
Anyway, if you do find yourself on Omega in the future (and you're still looking for an FC) we'd be delighted to have you and easiest way to get in touch is probably via our Discord link right at the top of the page as multiple people will see it then.
Adina Azriel Omega [Chaos]
Hi there! I’d really love to join :)
I’ve played the game before when my partner was also playing but now he’s retired from the game I’d like to find a group to play with. My character is pretty fresh and I’m trying to take my time a bit more with the story etc but I’m very active most of the time!
I’d love to be part of the group, thanks in advance! (I’ll try to find the house in game too but just wanted to post this as my “letter of intent”)
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Just realised I never replied to this, but I'm glad you joined us and I hope you're having fun :)
-- -- ----
Hi there, I am a recent returnee / recently moved to Europe and world transferred over to Omega and looking for a new FC. Still accepting new applications?
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
Hi Tranquil. sorry it doesn't notify us when some has posted on the page and I guess we missed you. Very sorry to have been rude.
If you are looking for an FC in the future and you want to consider us, please let me know either in-game, via an application at our house (see the top of the page) or easiest is just to join our Discord server (also at the top).
Sorry again and hope you are still having fun with the game!
-- -- ----
Can certify that the fc is purrr friendly and gil friendly too
コミュニティメンバー Niners Dawnheart Omega [Chaos]
Hello there!
I've started playing ff14 this year, really enjoying everything this game has to offer (community included, everyone is so sweet and nice).
Found myself wanting to be a part of a cozy and active FC and a friend told me about y'all! Would love to be a part of Crystal Crusaders, if y'all would have me! <3
コミュニティメンバー Scott Pilgrim Omega [Chaos]
I'm glad that you've joined us and hope you're settling in well!