Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
Treasure Maps!!! 70-100+ Come Join our Treasure Map Adventures!!!
?Rose Alora Faerie [Aether]
Hello, How can I join?
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
Hi Rose!! I can invite you when you are on. This is new so I think we both have to be on or i can give you my Discord invite and from there you can join the CWLS Server!! We play 3 times a week Wed. 7:45 EST am on now as well \o/
Jia Tokiya Siren [Aether]
hi! i'd love to join the cwls and discord :D
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
Great!! Please if you would, look for my name. I am on now i will look for yours and i will put you on the CWLS!! Star- Light-
コミュニティメンバー Mareth Ravenlock Cactuar [Aether]
Hi! I'm interested in joining!
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
Great!! Please if you would, look for my name. I am on now i will look for yours and i will put you on the CWLS!! Star- Light-
Ricky Love Faerie [Aether]
Hiya I love maps and id love to join your group! \o/
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
Great!! Please if you would, look for my name. I am on now i will look for yours and i will put you on the CWLS!! Star- Light
Thorne Wycliff Gilgamesh [Aether]
Hi there! I'd be interested in joining this ls :) I'm on Gilgamesh!
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:75 ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light-
Abrax Arrowny Midgardsormr [Aether]
I am interested in joining this as well! I’m on midgardsormr.
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:75 ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light
Reyah Velshi Jenova [Aether]
Hello! I'd love to join and do some maps! I'm on Jenova!
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:45pm- ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light-
Dezzen Deejay Sargatanas [Aether]
Interested in this CWLS! I love loot delving! Dezzen Deejay - Sargatanas
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:45pm- ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light-
Johnny Nagoriyuki Gilgamesh [Aether]
I'm interested in the cwls and mapping. How can I join?
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:45pm- ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light-
Volcano Sonora Sargatanas [Aether]
Hello! I'm interested in some map action! I'm on Sargatanas. How may I join if allowed? Thx in advance!
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:45pm- ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light-
Atticus Ward Adamantoise [Aether]
I am definitely interested in joining. Will bribe with cookies if necessary.
コミュニティメンバー Star- Light- Cactuar [Aether]
Hahahahaha! ok, Tomorrow 1.8.2025 we will be playing 90 maps in Cactaur... Meet us there in Elpis at 7:45pm- ish EST and i will grab you for our Party!! Star- Light-
Denito Kandrick Faerie [Aether]
How can I join?
Carmen Moonshine Gilgamesh [Aether]
I'm interested in joining in some map shenanigans. I'm on Gilgamesh.
Shara Malov Siren [Aether]
Hi, my partner and i would like to join. both from Siren