エンピレアム第9区42番地 [Large]
Blood Oath
I created Blood Oath with a circle of real life friends after having nothing but bad luck with other companies. I have been playing ffxiv since a realm reborn and all classes I have are maxed. I enjoy helping anyone in the company - from beginners to advanced - from start up questions - to savage strategies. We also have a sister FC which we share a linkshell with for Any additional help that may be needed. If you are looking for a friendly bunch of people, and think we are a good fit - please shoot me, or one of our members a message online or please apply. Thank you!
?Mol Schala Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'm looking for a FC to join. My main is Samurai and I'm looking to start progressing into harder content. Message me anytime I'm online or let me know when we can talk, thanks!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Yeah this weeks been a bit crazy lol but I should be on all day today :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If I am not online (I will be on vacation for the holiday) feel free to reach out to Storm Odinson or send over an application :)
Zena Konoe Adamantoise [Aether]
If you are still recruiting, then contact me please. I would like to enjoy all of past contents and catch up with friends who want to do the same.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Are you still looking - ill have someone reach out to you
Alucard Tepesh Diabolos [Crystal]
Hello. I'd like to join I'm a returning player looking to catch up and learn more about the game
Crimson Clouds Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey, I'd like to join the fc, is sounds like it has a nice atmosphere
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Yeah def! I'll look out for you :) I'm online now incase u find me first
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Ahh I missed you- thx for sending a friend request ill get u next time- I was away from my ps5
Crimson Clouds Adamantoise [Aether]
to make it easier to catch each other, my discord is Atlas#8216. feel free to msg me and ill hop on when i get the chance
コミュニティメンバー Yuma Camoa Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey I would like to join. I'm a returning player looking for some new friends to play with since my old ones left.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep an eye out for you ^^
Cleetus Ultra Diabolos [Crystal]
pc looking for some people to play with and ask questions with online when im not working so hmu 24
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You are not on my server :( , but I can add u as a friend ^^
Zhynse Rhonir Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey, I'm a new player just looking for an fc to join and get some help learning how to play :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I will look out for you on ffxiv - if u find me first send me a message or apply :)
Sosa Tsunami Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I'm looking for an FC to join and I would love to be apart of the blood oath!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll look out for u :)
Dorkamus Maximus Adamantoise [Aether]
If your still recruiting, I am very interested in joining. I am a former Mythic Raider in WoW and I am looking for a home that I can place myself and grow in this game.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep a lookout for you!
Sverg Prezda Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey all, looking to join an FC and I am picking up what your putting down. I am a returning player that left in about 2015/2016. Just finished the Stormblood and progressing through the rest of the story arc. It'd be a honor if you consider letting me join.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Glad to have you :)
Amon Damballa Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello lvl 50 sprout red mage here looking to make some friends
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep an eye out 4 u
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Oop looks like u got an fc let me know if you need anything
Punt Gnomes Mateus [Crystal]
New to the game and would like a place to join that is welcoming and doesn't mind someone that can be on all the time. do to work.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep an eye out 4 u
Tail Rivain Coeurl [Crystal]
hello! are you still forming statics? new to 14 but not raiding
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Yes we are
Merlin Emryys Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi I’m looking for a new fc I’m mostly doing stuff by myself but looking for more fun with others my roles are mostly dps thank you
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll look for you:)
Yinne Ever Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi, I'm very new to the game and I would like to apply to join your FC.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If you are still looking I would be happy to have ya!
Lucreus Meandari Diabolos [Crystal]
I am just beginning the journey and was hoping to join this community. Thanks!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If you are still looking I would be happy to have ya!
Nexara Catastrophic Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi, can i join this community? i like to do some crafting and gathering like Smithy, Mining, Etc.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If you are still looking I would be happy to have ya!
Nielen Nielow Adamantoise [Aether]
I'm looking to join a FC. I just started back up since 2014. I only got to level 34 before taking the long break and looking forward to playing again. Playing a Black mage now and like the system a lot.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I will look for you today! I'll be on around 130 pm mt, we would be happy to have ya!
Cosmic Matter Lamia [Primal]
How do I apply to join? Recently started playing and I am very active again
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You would have to do it though game or I can inv you when I get home in 10 mins :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Oh just realized you are not on our server
Cosmic Matter Lamia [Primal]
I think I have to create a new character as I bought the PC version and it is not showing my ps4 one. Ill make sure it is in your sever give me about a half hour or so I will update you shortly. Thank you for considering me!
Cosmic Matter Lamia [Primal]
I found my old character but looking to start fresh anyways as it has been a while since a last played. Excited to get back into it again with you guys! I will let you know when I am all set.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Sounds great!! We are excited to have ya join :)
Cosmic Matter Adamantoise [Aether]
All set!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Woohoo!! Sent inv
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll send you another Inv as soon as ur outta ur cs
Forever Flame Goblin [Crystal]
hello looking to join my 1st fc, i mostly a crafter and my main is healer
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If you are still looking I can grab you :)
Katsu Miyamoto Adamantoise [Aether]
Looking to join FC. Coming back to FFXIV after a year hiatus, but definitely reminded me how much I love this game! ^_^
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If you arecstill looking I will look for you :)
Clyde Kaka Balmung [Crystal]
I'm a samurai, and have been looking to join a new free company! Please contact me if it's okay for me to join :3
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You are on a different server than us, but you are more than welcome to join the discord and hang out with us :)
Lispeth Birchborn Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there. I've decided I'd like to join an FC. I like your FC profile, and if you're as chill as you claim to be, I think we'd be a good fit for one another.
Lispeth Birchborn Adamantoise [Aether]
Hey there. I've decided I'd like to join an FC. I like your FC profile, and if you're as chill as you claim to be, I think we'd be a good fit for one another.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Sounds good :) I'll get u an inv sent out ^^
コミュニティメンバー Nero Gardiner Adamantoise [Aether]
Yello, this Fc seems cool. I would like to join if recruitments are still open
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Asu Borealis Excalibur [Primal]
Hi! Are you still recruiting? I'd like to join if possible :D
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Absolutely if ur on I can grab you now :)
Asu Borealis Excalibur [Primal]
Yep! I am on rn :D
Esugen Kha Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! Been looking for my first FC to join and yours stood out. I’d love to join!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Ok ill look for you :) let me know when ur on ^^
Esugen Kha Adamantoise [Aether]
I’m on now :D
Munkies Twilight Adamantoise [Aether]
Would love an invite. Thanks!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Let me know when ur on ^^
-- -- ----
I would like an invite. Thank you! :D
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You got it ^^ let me know when your on :D
-- -- ----
I'm on right now!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I was at an Xmas party on the 24th and busy on Xmas. I'll be on all day today :) let me know and I send an inv
コミュニティメンバー Blueberry Soda Adamantoise [Aether]
Would love to join, let me know if you're still recruiting!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
We are and im logging in again now I will grab ya
コミュニティメンバー Blueberry Soda Adamantoise [Aether]
Sorry, I had to leave for a bit, I'm online now if you're still on
コミュニティメンバー Blueberry Soda Adamantoise [Aether]
Was able to found someone who was online and submit a application, hopefully that makes things easier
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you! I'm at the hospital atm - but I'll make sure someone online accepts!
Emirio Arufa Brynhildr [Crystal]
Hello! I am aware you are at the hospital atm and hope you are doing well, I am interested in joining an active FC with a helpful community! All the best, I hope to join soon :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I will grab you today after work and ill have fc members look out for you incase they find you first! And thank you ❤️
Emirio Arufa Brynhildr [Crystal]
No problem! I will be online for the next few hours
コミュニティメンバー Nana Bean Adamantoise [Aether]
Would I be able to get an invite? I tried looking through player search, but could not find anyone.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Absolutely- I'll have apo send u an invite
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Apo was unable to locate you - ill keep watching let me know when ur on :)
コミュニティメンバー Nana Bean Adamantoise [Aether]
I am currently on and will be for awhile. I was having the same issue finding you through the search.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Ok ill let him know one sec.
コミュニティメンバー Bin'a Murakami Adamantoise [Aether]
hello id like to join if youre still recruiting :D ive never been in an fc before and would like to belong in one! TIA
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You got it ill have someone grab you as I won't be on for a couple hours yet
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'm looking out for u let me know when ur on
コミュニティメンバー Bin'a Murakami Adamantoise [Aether]
im currently online and will be for a couple hours :)
Pipars Thewhite Lich [Light]
Hey guys!
I am looking for a FC.
I am exWoW player who asks a lot of questions :D
Still I am very confused how big FC I need, I am afraid if it`s too big I will not understand anything :)
I am lvl 72 Scholar, and I was born to be a healer.
Would you like to tutor me?
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Heyo! I would love to have you as I main healer. However, you are not on my server :( I can send you an invite to our discord if you'd like and have you listed as an fc visitor if you'd like :)
Pipars Thewhite Lich [Light]
Thanks a lot, this just says how much of a noobie I am :D
I will search for a FC in my server :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
All good! Happy hunting ^^
Toumei Dragon Seraph [Dynamis]
id love to join if you guys are still taking members. i've played this game a little too long with no friends that play and its time for me to settle down with a group of people ^_^
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Absolutely I'll be on the lookout!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I let the fc know as well so if I'm not on they can grab ya ^^ otherwise let me know when ur on :D
Jin Zo Adamantoise [Aether]
Returning player looking to reach level 90 in all jobs
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll be on the lookout :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Let me know when ur on ^^
Jin Zo Adamantoise [Aether]
On now!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I was raiding and didn't see you :( - I let the others in my fc know to keep a lookout for you as well lol!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Still keeping my eye out for you
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Still keeping my eye out for you
Mae Loran Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi! I was hoping to find a nice FC and came across you guys. I used to play all the time but I've stopped playing recently and only just got back into it. It's uh...pretty difficult getting the hang of the game again. If you would like to give me a shot I have a character named Alysia Highmoore, thank you! ^^
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Absolutely I'll keep an eye out for you :D
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Also my fc will be looking for u - but if u wanna shoot me a messagevin here when ur on I can make that work too lol
Alexander Cypress Hyperion [Primal]
Hey guys I am looking for a fc to raid with and have fun!!! I am a paladin main and I am requesting to join this awesome fc. Thanks
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll have someone inv. I have been out for a couple days. :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Oh you aren't in our server lol
Hellisent Payne Adamantoise [Aether]
hello! I would like to join your free company.
I am a WoW veteran and have much experience in other MMOs and am looking for people to help me learn this new game and venture into group content down the road!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll look for u :) let me know when ur on or join the discord ^^
Julie Fafnir Faerie [Aether]
Hello, I'd love to join your community. It sounds like it would be a great time. Currently trying to get back into MMOs and learning Dark Knight. Would love to meet new players to play with to keep moving forward with FFXIV!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Ill keep a lookout if ur still interested
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Nvm you aren't on our server
Nice Shott Faerie [Aether]
Looking to join the company. Ex wow veteran during vanlla to Cata. getting back to mmo's and looking for a company to level with and do content with.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep an eye out and shoot u an inv ^^
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Oh you are not on our server :(
Aya Minn Adamantoise [Aether]
Can I join :D
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Got you ^^
I-am Maidenless Famfrit [Primal]
can I join?
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Let me know when ur on
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I saw u put an app in but I did t see u on :(
Sinnji Zevel Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I'm hoping to join your FC. I've had the game since before ARR but never really played much, kinda forgot about the game tbh. I tried to message Pepenori earlier but it said he was in a restricted area.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Kodiak Bloodwind Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I am new to the game, and I am hoping to join a casual and laid-back Free Company. I have joined Discord but did not see an application area. Would someone be able to direct me to one?
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You got it
コミュニティメンバー Sekushina Bani Adamantoise [Aether]
hey :D aint finished the endwalker story yet but my goal is to become a full time omni crafter and help people and the FC throught my crafting and Gils. you seemed like a nice bunch so hit me up and ill join for sure ;)
コミュニティメンバー Sekushina Bani Adamantoise [Aether]
ill be on tonight from 8 PM EST to 12 AM EST :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
コミュニティメンバー Raine Sirius Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi, I'm a returning player I first started playing in Heavensward. My account was compromised so im starting over on Siren.
I'd love an invite if possible.
My discord is raine5646
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You are more than welcome on our discord! But we are on adamentoise- we do have lots of friends on other servers we play with as well ^^. I'll have to travel to travel to siren add u as a friend too
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Sent u a friend request on discord ^^
Kadara La'voix Adamantoise [Aether]
Looking to join a fc or fellowship thats has player events and raiding that matches my sched. I work nights and have sun,mon,and generaly thurs off.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep an eye out
Berry Beebenson Cactuar [Aether]
Hello! I'm fairly new to the game and still learning how everything works, but I would love to join your FC if you're still recruiting! :) My discord is i_am_beanzzz (Beanzzz)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
o/ I'll have someone grab you ^^
コミュニティメンバー Vexodus Hitokiri Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi o/ ima returning player on a new character and I would love to join the FC. My discord is vexodus77.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll grab you ^^
コミュニティメンバー Thor Hazeldori Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I just recently started playing again after losing interest during Stormblood. I would like to join an active laid-back FC to call home.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Ayin Keter Coeurl [Crystal]
Hey im intrested in joining your amazing fc
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Let me know when you are on ^^
Sparkling Glimmer Maduin [Dynamis]
Looking for a FC to join and came across you guys...would like to join please if you are still looking for people.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Absolutely just let me know when ur on amd I'll send u an inv ^^
コミュニティメンバー Cailet Ruaithne Adamantoise [Aether]
May i join?
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Glad to have you <3
Faun Mortra Louisoix [Chaos]
Sup friends, May I join your company?
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Absolutely I'll keep an eye out for you
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Oh ur not on my server
Faun Mortra Louisoix [Chaos]
oh, my bad :c
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
:( I would have loved to have ya
-- -- ----
hi im new and looking for a place to join and to learn and grow with , im coming from 16 years of WOW and looking for a change
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
<3 I'd love to have you bit you are not on my server :(
Enrei Naeuri Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello, I am looking for an FC and after reading through I think I would like to join. My ign is Enrei Naeuri
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Sorry I missed you I was on vacation xD
コミュニティメンバー Charlie Murdoc Adamantoise [Aether]
Hello! I am just getting back to playing after taking a short break. I would love to join your FC if you still have room.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll look for you ^^
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Let me know when ur on
コミュニティメンバー Charlie Murdoc Adamantoise [Aether]
I am on right now!
コミュニティメンバー Charlie Murdoc Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi Pepenori, I've tried adding you in the game but haven't seen you. Let me know if you have a time you normally play! Thank you.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Sorry I had a friend in town who left today I'm on thu thru sun 5pm est to 930 est
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I also told ppl in the fc to look for ya
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Zander Kaatapoh Excalibur [Primal]
Id like to join lvl 90 pally and just starting a reaper class just looking to chill help out where i can
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You are not on our server :(
Trash Kiriguya Adamantoise [Aether]
I would love to join if you'll have me :)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If ur still looking ill gladly take u - just let me know when ur on
コミュニティメンバー Durem Fireforger Adamantoise [Aether]
Just getting back into the game before the expansion comes out and looking for a social FC. Would love to join and help where I can :D
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'll keep an eye out for u ❤️
Miss Fit Seraph [Dynamis]
I'd like to join! I used to play on console YEARS ago. Just started playing again on PC.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
You are not on our server:(
コミュニティメンバー Jack Averland Adamantoise [Aether]
I really like the second photo (the one with the explosion)
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Same xD
コミュニティメンバー Kirito Akuma Adamantoise [Aether]
I'd like to join! I'm a new player, just started about 2 weeks ago.
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Thank you for joining the discord! It makes it much easier to communicate ❤️
コミュニティメンバー Thechosen Dilldo Adamantoise [Aether]
I'm a returning player after a 6 year absence. I would love to join if you'd have me! I work nights So I'm usually on around 11:30pm to 6am. Cheers!
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
I'm not on at the moment- ill let one of our members know if ur still on ^^ we would be happy to have ya
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
If possible could you join the discord? Since the community finder doesn't notify me with responses it would be easier to find you :)
コミュニティメンバー Thechosen Dilldo Adamantoise [Aether]
Yeah I’ll join up in the discord! Don’t know why I didn’t think of that haha. Definitely will be much easier to get in touch. I’m off today so I’ll most likely be on around 2:30pm or 3pm
コミュニティメンバー Pepenori Giginori Adamantoise [Aether]
Hooray! I switched your tag so message me when your ready in discord ^^
Homeless Harry Adamantoise [Aether]
Hi, I would love to join your FC. I'm a returning player pretty much 90 in every melee class except gun. Looking to get back into the game. Except I will have to wait a bit I just world transfered.
Laww Sarado Adamantoise [Aether]
Ill like to join your fc
コミュニティメンバー Chlaxee Foss Adamantoise [Aether]
Putting my feellers oot dere. xD Id like to join please.
コミュニティメンバー Jeanne Nah'vour Adamantoise [Aether]
Looking to join for rp and casual play.