






About Maidy's memorial meeting.

Altemisia LupinusGungnir [Elemental]

Regarding the farewell party for Maidy, who passed away last December, his father asked us to hold a farewell party in a format that would leave a lasting impression as a testament to his life.

The members of FC Giovinezza were not able to go to visit him in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Therefore, we decided to leave a message to him in the form of a video on Youtube, hoping to create a place to remember him.

We had a hard time deciding on the best way to do this. We were worried that it would be inconvenient for unrelated players to have the event on the FF14 servers, and that it would be difficult to coordinate for players from other data centers, as well as for everyone to find the needed time.
We also wanted to make it possible for people who have met Maidy outside of FF14 to participate, so we decided to do it this way.

The video will be released tomorrow, but we will not be hosting any events in game.
We hope that each of you will be able to watch the video and remember Maidy in your own time.

We are using messages from people we contacted at short notice in this video.
We are truly sorry that we were not able to reach out to all of Maidy’s friends, fans and colleagues.
We apologize for not being able to contact all of you.

Amongst all of the messages we collected, we also received numerous screen shots. Finally, we also received a message from Maidy’s Father, the Dad of Light.

Please leave your thoughts and messages in the comments section of the video.
We will compile them later and pass them all on to Maidy’s Father.

We hope that we can all move forward together happily, remembering all of the fun memories that we shared with Maidy, just as he would have wanted us to do.

From all of FC: Giovinezza

Video Release Date: 22/01/2021 9:00 p.m.
Video URL: http://youtu.be/RPnO-a9aByY

※We do not make any profit from our videos.
We have no plans to release any other videos on this channel.




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