1 | | Neko to Lala no IEIfrit [Gaia] | 1082988 | |
2 | | YokosukaNavalIfrit [Gaia] | 1003557 | |
3 | | JAVBIfrit [Gaia] | 980934 | |
4 | | PescatoraIfrit [Gaia] | 766251 | |
5 | | Black LotusIfrit [Gaia] | 679722 | |
6 | | Dark ReunionIfrit [Gaia] | 642171 | |
7 | | Lots of PiecesIfrit [Gaia] | 593928 | |
8 | | Heart to U'niteIfrit [Gaia] | 589911 | |
9 | | Beyond the AvalancheIfrit [Gaia] | 561846 | |
10 | | AnkoTeamIfrit [Gaia] | 542769 | |
11 | | Iris FlastaIfrit [Gaia] | 506559 | |
12 | | Tea-TimeIfrit [Gaia] | 461820 | |
13 | | ExclusiveNorIfrit [Gaia] | 458484 | |
14 | | SumEIfrit [Gaia] | 420750 | |
15 | | Fruit cocktailIfrit [Gaia] | 411783 | |
16 | | Madam-DeltaIfrit [Gaia] | 370146 | |
17 | | Couch PopotoIfrit [Gaia] | 361998 | |
18 | | Chinese lantern lilyIfrit [Gaia] | 358107 | |
19 | | A Million DovesIfrit [Gaia] | 353754 | |
20 | | Blaze of EdgeIfrit [Gaia] | 331710 | |
21 | | EVAIfrit [Gaia] | 307539 | |
22 | | NRC INDUSTRIESIfrit [Gaia] | 299712 | |
23 | | Mousquetaire noirIfrit [Gaia] | 292437 | |
24 | | Bambi-NO!Ifrit [Gaia] | 286122 | |
25 | | GatheringIfrit [Gaia] | 286032 | |
26 | | Crescent DreamIfrit [Gaia] | 273633 | |
27 | | Lightning BrigateIfrit [Gaia] | 255840 | |
28 | | SartofinitoIfrit [Gaia] | 251637 | |
29 | | calm windIfrit [Gaia] | 250683 | |
30 | | TinchBellIfrit [Gaia] | 244311 | |
31 | | Clair de LuneIfrit [Gaia] | 243324 | |
32 | | manium familyIfrit [Gaia] | 241839 | |
33 | | SYaruretoIfrit [Gaia] | 240051 | |
34 | | ReSkyIfrit [Gaia] | 231834 | |
35 | | VerschwindeIfrit [Gaia] | 231144 | |
36 | | Circle MoshIfrit [Gaia] | 227661 | |
37 | | Milunyan'sIfrit [Gaia] | 222807 | |
38 | | Flower ChildrenIfrit [Gaia] | 220626 | |
39 | | HarmoniusIfrit [Gaia] | 220377 | |
40 | | TUKE TRIBEIfrit [Gaia] | 217473 | |
41 | | EinherjarIfrit [Gaia] | 215979 | |
42 | | Sweet LiqueurIfrit [Gaia] | 212268 | |
43 | | RAZERIfrit [Gaia] | 209955 | |
44 | | Lauded Argon's WindsIfrit [Gaia] | 209163 | |
45 | | Fairy's anvilIfrit [Gaia] | 208506 | |
46 | | FUWATORO-OYAKODONIfrit [Gaia] | 203511 | |
47 | | Attivo PulcinoIfrit [Gaia] | 197253 | |
48 | | Flower of LIFEIfrit [Gaia] | 193767 | |
49 | | Crystal PalaceIfrit [Gaia] | 191391 | |
50 | | Under The SeaIfrit [Gaia] | 190743 | |
51 | | Fai una svoltaIfrit [Gaia] | 190194 | |
52 | | FLY WITH MEIfrit [Gaia] | 187509 | |
53 | | PersonalColorIfrit [Gaia] | 186330 | |
54 | | HowdyIfrit [Gaia] | 185274 | |
55 | | Hello HrothgarIfrit [Gaia] | 184242 | |
56 | | GerberaIfrit [Gaia] | 183147 | |
57 | | Unity in DiversityIfrit [Gaia] | 176001 | |
58 | | KILL-TIMEIfrit [Gaia] | 175419 | |
59 | | Pesca AlbicoccoIfrit [Gaia] | 166332 | |
60 | | Iris SnowIfrit [Gaia] | 165468 | |
61 | | STRSIfrit [Gaia] | 161961 | |
62 | | GoldilocksIfrit [Gaia] | 148863 | |
63 | | O'nigiriIfrit [Gaia] | 143337 | |
64 | | SylphyIfrit [Gaia] | 139764 | |
65 | | burusuko-farIfrit [Gaia] | 139071 | |
66 | | Poco a pocoIfrit [Gaia] | 137580 | |
67 | | only oneIfrit [Gaia] | 137535 | |
68 | | Tier 1Ifrit [Gaia] | 134775 | |
69 | | TeemoIfrit [Gaia] | 134535 | |
70 | | Ely Bon SolIfrit [Gaia] | 134124 | |
71 | | IShiIfrit [Gaia] | 134004 | |
72 | | MilkIfrit [Gaia] | 133830 | |
73 | | Alcohol CompanyIfrit [Gaia] | 132948 | |
74 | | HermitageIfrit [Gaia] | 132348 | |
75 | | DiamondDustRebellionIfrit [Gaia] | 129909 | |
76 | | Kitten Tea PartyIfrit [Gaia] | 128235 | |
77 | | Mistic LoadIfrit [Gaia] | 126681 | |
78 | | Tipa's CaravanIfrit [Gaia] | 125997 | |
79 | | Sweets ParadiseIfrit [Gaia] | 124779 | |
80 | | Moon MaidenIfrit [Gaia] | 123171 | |
81 | | KoppePANIfrit [Gaia] | 121890 | |
82 | | StarLightIfrit [Gaia] | 119721 | |
83 | | have a blast!Ifrit [Gaia] | 118803 | |
84 | | ALBIONIfrit [Gaia] | 117423 | |
85 | | Rabanastre CielIfrit [Gaia] | 117144 | |
86 | | GlorilyIfrit [Gaia] | 116778 | |
87 | | AlstroemeriaIfrit [Gaia] | 115266 | |
88 | | Mille luce RigheIfrit [Gaia] | 115140 | |
89 | | LowAwarenessIfrit [Gaia] | 113289 | |
90 | | le petit bonheurIfrit [Gaia] | 113139 | |
91 | | JOYIfrit [Gaia] | 111822 | |
92 | | -Dragon Warrior-Ifrit [Gaia] | 111381 | |
93 | | Devils NestIfrit [Gaia] | 107892 | |
94 | | PapurikaIfrit [Gaia] | 107280 | |
95 | | Another.God.HadesIfrit [Gaia] | 106110 | |
96 | | Mogmog OmuriceIfrit [Gaia] | 102345 | |
97 | | NekochanDaisukiIfrit [Gaia] | 102063 | |
98 | | CuoreIfrit [Gaia] | 101292 | |
99 | | Dragon's TreasureIfrit [Gaia] | 100941 | |
100 | | FimbulwinterIfrit [Gaia] | 100344 |