?Lojt Silverton Sargatanas [Aether]
Is discord required? I am looking for a community in game via CWLS as I don't use discord and am in a small FC with IRL friends but they do not play often.
Flynn Ryderr Gilgamesh [Aether]
looking for LS group who can help me with savages and ex raids :p newbie here!
Kenzo Tenma Adamantoise [Aether]
trying to learn new and old raids. would be dope if I could find a group.
Relm Moguri Siren [Aether]
Would like to join!
Samary Majere Faerie [Aether]
Hello, I am in an FC with some friends. We are all new players but I would like to meet with people who are a bit more experienced. And I would like to get more involved with end game content.
Meza Kaious Midgardsormr [Aether]
I'd like to join!
Lief Summer Faerie [Aether]
Id like to join and learn !
Lithos Didaskolos Exodus [Primal]
I am looking to get into end game raids and extreme trials how do I join?
Cereza Blackfyre Jenova [Aether]
Hey! I would love to join your CWLS and tackle some of the end game content!
Elu Yukari Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hi! I mainly would like to make some friends! I’d like to join in whatever the warrior of light may bring!
Thyarim Nosphiras Louisoix [Chaos]
I'd like to join. Hats off to you for hosting all the fc events mentioned. And for being willing to teach and help newer players.
Eezee Peezee Sargatanas [Aether]
I would be interested in joining the CWLS and running some of the weekend extremes.
Rean Asakura Gilgamesh [Aether]
I'd like to join
Xelruth Balmungo Golem [Dynamis]
Hi! I'd like to join. It's like pulling teeth trying to get some friends to start raiding.
Nisha Epocan Jenova [Aether]
Very interested in joining for the weekend extremes!
Bread Crumb Seraph [Dynamis]
Can I get an invited?
コミュニティメンバー Moose Rocca Cactuar [Aether]
I want an invite love doing old content
Ayden Kai Zalera [Crystal]
Heyyyy looking to learn this stuff, i que and wait n wait =/
Raolin Darkstorm Jenova [Aether]
i'd love an invite if you're still looking for people!
Akira Nightshade Faerie [Aether]
Hello! I'm currently content with the FC I'm in now. But looking for a group more active to run EX's with. Would love to check your linkshell out. :)
Nyghtrade Suka Siren [Aether]
I am currently in an FC, but this is very interesting and exciting to know! I would love to join in and learn with fellow WoL willing to work together and not be salty!! My work schedule rotates so it's hard to jump online to do these things.
Bon Bakari Midgardsormr [Aether]
I would like to join!
Talos Storm-bringer Midgardsormr [Aether]
Would love to join I love doing the harder stuff I have been trying to solo quite a few lately!
Luciel Lunalesca Faerie [Aether]
Bumped into the Chocobuddy recruitment listing earlier on, as I am looking to expand my circle on doing some content. As of right now, I have been playing FFXIV since 2020, and very recently gotten back into raiding / doing Extreme runs. I would like to join in the cross linkshell, should there be any more spaces that is o/
Mjna Venase Ultros [Primal]
I'd love to have some folks to learn the extreme trials with. An invite to the CWLS would be wonderful; if there's room!
Groobs Farron Siren [Aether]
Would love an invite,thank you
Esildir Minro Sargatanas [Aether]
hello! looking for savage content and a friendly social LS!
Kwongs Fdnol Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Wanna join, plz
コミュニティメンバー Cere Rielle Faerie [Aether]
Hiya, this group sounds great and I would love to join! Could I join?
コミュニティメンバー Mikh'e Mizuhiki Siren [Aether]
Hello! Would love to join if there is room! Looking for a LS as I am apart of an IRL friends FC that doesn't do this kind of content or other FC events.
Hikosuke Edakumi Cactuar [Aether]
Looking for static raid group, might be looking for new fc soon if my fc seem to be slowly dieing off?
コミュニティメンバー Brynhild Beard Jenova [Aether]
Hello! I’d be interested in joining! I’m looking to find friendly folks to raid with.
Isla Duskbloom Cactuar [Aether]
Interested in joining!
Bigbooty Beaches Rafflesia [Dynamis]
Hello! I would like to join!
Himeko Handa Jenova [Aether]
Interested in joining!
Cyera Vanguardia Midgardsormr [Aether]
Hiya! Definitely interested in joining and available 4pm-10pm PST most days.
Thena Renslayer Gilgamesh [Aether]
Interested in learning high end content.
Echert Bungus Gilgamesh [Aether]
Hello! Interested in joining! I'm looking to get into high end content. >:)
Kp Softwind Adamantoise [Aether]
I am already in discord, but I would like to get an invite to the CWLS if anyone is able to do so.
Tyler Bennett Sargatanas [Aether]
Hi, I’ve recently started doing Extreme trials through PF, but now looking for learning/progging groups for Savage Raids. I’m interested in joining in order to find groups for this.
Rorona Flowers Siren [Aether]
hi I'd like to join. thank you
Wind Flowers Siren [Aether]
Hello! Would love to join your community to do higher end content. Have cleared most Extremes and now looking to learn Savage. :)
Dona Stormbringer Sargatanas [Aether]
Hello! Would love to get an invite! Looking to learn!
Potete Pote Gilgamesh [Aether]
Hello, I want learn about Extremes and Savage, Furthermore, I want to enjoy higher content like A Rewritten Future. I just started the game last week, but I have experience with high-level content from other RPG games like Lost Ark. Would you invite me?
Chloe Scarlet Cactuar [Aether]
Definitely would love to do more endgame stuff if you still have room
Boarbark Dragonsbane Jenova [Aether]
Howdy! I just transferred from Zalera to Jenova in hopes of getting further into raiding! I have just started Dawntrail and am very laid back and easy to game with. Some of my hobbies include hunting, fishing, D&D/Star wars table top, skateboarding and weightlifting. Being a Dragoon is my passion and I 'Goon for life but am also looking to level m Warrior to tank, a white mage to heal at some point as well. Would love to join your community!