ラベンダーベッド第14区33番地 [Large]
royal palace
Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
Please do not use community finder/lodestone to apply since we do not update/read this page weekly.
We recommend you join our discord https://discord.gg/uUXANN8D7q and applying there if possible (fastest response)
We check this page rarely so if you apply on the lodestone, you would very likely be overlooked (In game applications also possible)! Our current housing is located at : Plot33-Ward14-Lavender Beds - Cerberus
?Blizz Farron Cactuar [Aether]
Hi! I'm a returning player,I played for about 3 or 4 months but dropped it because playing alone was boring, i wanted to give it a new try but this time join a FC so i can meet/talk with people and learn since i'm still new to the game. i wold love to apply, thanks!
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
Maybe this is a bit late since you were already invited, but welcome nevertheless xD
Eleazar Webb Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey guys! I've returned to FFXIV after a bit of time out I needed. I was wondering if I'm welcome back to the FC? :D
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
thumbsup, wb
Curious One Cerberus [Chaos]
am i able to join. im solo and looking for others to join me ingame. CHAOS, CERBERUS.
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
We prefer you apply through discord.
-- -- ----
Hello new player would like to join your fc and have good fun social time.
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
Not sure what your name is so can't contact you xD
Find us on our discord as mentioned above;
King Nugennek Zodiark [Light]
Hey I'm a new player looking for a Free Company with the ultimate goal of doing high end content. Capped a machinist so far and planning on doing the rest. Looking for a FC that can work with my inconsistent works schedule.
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
Normally we don't use this format to recruit so I'm only seeing this now. I'll try to see if I can find you online later and if you are still without an FC I'll send you an invite.
Jubei Chichi Halicarnassus [Dynamis]
Hi there. I'm a new player looking for a free company :)
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
Normally we don't use this format to recruit so I'm only seeing this now. I'll try to see if I can find you online later and if you are still without an FC I'll send you an invite.
Chaghagan Schwifty Cerberus [Chaos]
Hey, I wanna apply to the FC but I am kinda new to the game looking to raid and have fun social activities with players, and I do not know if I should apply through here or discord, but Discord keep saying invite link expired.
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
That is cuss I wasn't subbed for a month and for some reason when the leader isn't subbed, the lodestone stops working xD Discord link should work now.
Nickolas Debeen Sephirot [Materia]
I am interested in joining you.
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
We don't take invites through this screen. Please join our discord server as mentioned and apply there :)
Magnus Coles Cerberus [Chaos]
Coming back after a couple year break and looking for a FC. Can I please join?
コミュニティメンバー Guardian Angel Cerberus [Chaos]
Applications happen through our discord server: https://discord.gg/uUXANN8D7q