
Current Known Issues and Status of Endwalker Release (Updated Dec. 9, 2021 4:50 a.m. PST)

Hello, this is FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer & Director, Naoki Yoshida.

We are currently experiencing the highest level of server congestion we have ever encountered since the game officially commenced its service. Please read the separate announcements (https://sqex.to/QDFMi) (https://sqex.to/eUgyp) for our findings and responses to this issue.

We will be using this announcement to share information about issues that have so far been confirmed to have a high impact or are highly visible, and our responses to them. The situation is constantly evolving, so we will be updating this announcement periodically to keep players informed. (Any bugs already fixed have been deleted)

*Updated Dec. 20, 2021 8:57 p.m. (PST)

The issues we had announced before Dec. 9, 2021, have been addressed in Patch 6.01.

As for sound related issues, we expect sound issues created after the release of Patch 6.0 to be resolved via adjustments to the sound engine. Should you continue to experience sound-related issues, we recommend the following:
Open the Windows control panel, select your default audio device, and view properties. Then, under the Advanced tab, select a lower setting for the default format. (A lower bit rate and Hz range is less system intensive.)

We have checked for feedback such as "it's getting harder to hear" or "the sound doesn't feel right" individually, and adjustments have been made to several sound effects and voices. Please check the details in the 6.01 Patch notes.

We will continue to announce issues that have a high impact or are highly visible through this news.




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